V2 Beta Release

Today’s very special for us...
We’re excited to release the beta of ViewBlock V2, in addition to our brand new blog!
First and foremost, our layout has drastically changed, increasing usable space for large displays and improving accessibility on smaller devices.
Beyond the objectively better style and overall performance, we added internationalization with 16 languages which we believe was a critical feature missing from V1, allowing non-English speakers to better comprehend the data they are looking at.
We will likely need your help to perfect our translations, let us know about the mistakes you found 🧠📚
The stats for both Arweave & Zilliqa have been greatly improved in terms of variety, speed and granularity. Want to see the storage cost evolution, cumulative endowment size and many others? We got you covered!
Arweave now boasts 2 new pages: Top Stats showing various metrics rankings over different time frames; and Contracts listing Smartweave contracts as they are deployed with some of their properties like validity, name and owner for atomic NFTs. Do note that the contract details pages are now separate from their addresses counterparts.
Our nodes list for Thorchain & Arweave also has been improved with a new layout, historical uptime and ISP data.

This update also addresses a recently discovered bug on Thorchain where post-killswitch transactions stuck in a pending state.
Keep in mind this is a beta release and you might encounter some bugs or missing features, make sure to report them through the feedback button present at the bottom right of the page:
We still have a ton of other features and improvements in the works you’ll love, keep your eyes peeled for new announcements, or subscribe to this blog and our Twitter, up to you!